Small Groups


  • Are you looking for Meaningful Community?
  • Do you desire to grow in your walk with the Lord?
  • What does it mean to commit to a local church?

How do I join a Small Group?

Our Small Groups exist to equip people to live the Christian life within a community.  Our Small Group Ministry is much more than just studying God’s Word! We strive to actively engage in your spiritual life and allow you to engage with other believers. God’s plan is that His church be together to build strong Christian relationships. Each Small Group has an outstanding Shepherd Leader who loves people. We want you to know that we have a place for you and want you to find a connection to the body of Christ, His Church.  

Our Small Group Ministry is an "Open" group. Anyone can join at any time. We strongly desire to see you connect to the body of Christ, His Church. Therefore, your "Next Step" is to connect to a Small Group. Click here and complete the registration form if you're not connected yet. Then, we will contact you and give you more information.